Burning Colors of Evening Tree Peony

Plant Type: Peony


'Ni Hong Huan Cai' or 'Burning Colors Of Evening' is considered a red tree peony. Paeonia rockii ‘Jing Shen Huan Fa’ x Suffruticosa Gp. ‘Godaishu’. First bloomed in 2018. First year propagated 2019. Mid to late-season blooming. SEMI-DOUBLE Thousand Petal form with one 6" bloom per stem. Vibrant-pink with purplish undertones. Base of petals white. Inner petals becoming mostly white with pink flares extending about 20% of petal length with petal edges variably pink. Guard petals rounded, notched; inner petals becoming increasingly notched. Cupped as it opens, then flattens out as petals unfurl. Fragrant flowers carried in upright, well displayed position. Broadly-cut foliage washed purplish when young, matures green. Upright growth. Height 4 to 5 feet. Named for the brilliant neon-like flower color that changes greatly as the blossom matures.