Blue Ivory
Hosta 'Blue Ivory'
Blue Ivory
Hosta Blue Ivory is a showy sport of the ever-popular 'Halcyon'. It is a medium sized hosta with thick, slug resistant foliage
in spring. The leaves display a wide, creamy white margin and blue center. By summer, the margins have brightened to white and the center deepens to blue-green. During the heat of late summer, a greenish blush may appear over portions of the margin.
Lavender flowers are produced in midsummer.
Blue Legend
Hosta 'Blue Legend'
Blue Legend
This hosta is twenty-six inches high and fifty inches wide. The leaves are a deep blue-green color and are good a substance. The flowers are near-white and bloom in late summer. 'Blue Legend' grows at a slow to medium growth rate.
Blue Mammoth
Hosta 'Blue Mammoth'
Blue Mammoth
Powdered blue giant with heavily corrugated leaves and stately near white bell-shaped flowers during the summer. 'Blue Mammoth' works well as a specimen or as a mass planting in a background setting. This massive hosta can reach 5-feet across at maturity.
Blue Mouse Ears
Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'
Blue Mouse Ears
Cute, cute, cute! This distinctive, new small hosta is the toast of hosta collectors everywhere. Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' is a mutation of H. 'Blue Cadet' that makes a tight 1' wide mound of small, round, blue-green leaves on a perfectly symmetrical clump.
In early summer,the clumps are topped with proportionally short spikes of lavender flowers.
This is a unique and fun hosta to add to any woodland garden.
Blue Oat Grass
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue Oat Grass
Clump forming, dense tuft of upright silver-blue foliage. Delicate infloresecence in late spring on 2' slender, arching, stems. Cool season grass, reduced flowering when hot and humid; good container plant. Combine with other grasses or mix with shrubs and perennials.
Graceful fountains of silver-blue blades form neat ornamental clumps that combine well with other grasses. Beige to light brown terminal panicles appear June through August. Reliable and attractive accent or specimen, perfect for rock gardens. Evergreen perennial.
Blue Perfection
Hosta 'Blue Perfection'
Blue Perfection
Sport of 'Ambrosia'. (24" X 54") This is the fast growing, fragrant-flowered blue, yes blue hosta, that for which we have all been waiting. It has very waxy blue leaves that are enhanced when grown in half a day of cool sun. Lavender flowers.
Blue Princess and Blue Prince Holly
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Duet'
Blue Princess and Blue Prince Holly
Height: 12-15' Spread: 8-10' Shape: Upright oval Foliage: Blue-green
Fall Foliage: Evergreen Exposure: Full Sun Zone: 5-9
Blue Princess and Blue Prince holly brilliantly combined in one container eliminates the need for two separate plants for pollination. Fruit color is darker red than many other varieties accentuated by dark shiny foliage.
Blue Sapphire Tree Peony
Peony x suffruticosa Lin Bao Shi 'Blue Sapphire'
Blue Sapphire Tree Peony
Blue Sensation
Hosta 'Blue Sensation'
Blue Sensation
This sport of H. 'Sara's Sensation' was registered by Mark Zilis in 2010. Blue Sensation grows 24 inches in height with a spread of 60 inches. Its foliage is moderately corrugated, lightly wavy with thick substance. The tubular flowers bloom from June into July.
Blue Umbrellas
Hosta 'Blue Umbrellas'
Blue Umbrellas
This early Aden introduction has shiny blue-green leaves that will reach immense proportions. With its rapid growth rate and huge size it will quickly become a giant. Lavender flowers in early summer.
Blueberry Bluecrop
Vaccinium 'Bluecrop'
Blueberry Bluecrop
A midseason blueberry. Considered by many to be the best all around variety for consistent yields, disease resistance, and high quality. It has an upright, open growing habit. One of the best garden blueberry varieties on the market today. Blooms in May; ripens in July.
Blueberry Candy
Hemerocallis 'Blueberry Candy'
Blueberry Candy
Blueberry Candy is well-branched and heavily budded. Many different flowers opening on one stem. Blooms in midsummer and reblooms later in the season. This daylily offers fragrant blossoms which are ivory colored with a blueberry colored eye matching the narrow edge on the ruffled petals.
Blueberry Muffin
Hosta 'Blueberry Muffin'
Blueberry Muffin
Large, blue, rounded, ridged leaves that are puckered in unusual patterns. Later in the season, the blue leaves transition to a green. Light mauve speckles appear on leaf stalks mid season. Lavender flowers appear early summer.
Blueberry Patriot
Vaccinium 'Patriot'
Blueberry Patriot
Fruit is very large, firm and has small, dry recessed scars. The berry is formed on tight clusters and it tends to be flatter than the other cultivars. Ripens early. Excellent flavor. Bush is upright, open and vigorous. Excellent landscape variety with showy white blooms in the spring, dark green foliage in the summer, and fiery orange fall colors. Full sun. Blooms in May; ripens in July.
Blueberry Waffles
Hosta 'Blueberry Waffles'
Blueberry Waffles
'Blueberry Waffles' is a very large, rich dark blue cupped and puckered hosta with round leaves.
Bluebird of Happiness
Hosta 'Bluebird of Happiness'
Bluebird of Happiness
This fun yet, elegant, blue hosta is a Green Hill Farm new introduction. A tetraploid, this medium-sized hosta features thick leaves with super substance that fold and wave, perhaps reminding you of a bird of paradise. The thick wax creates beautiful blue leaves that shine almost white in the right light. Just as the legend goes, this hosta should be a harbinger of happiness in your own garden. (Solberg 2020) ('Touch of Class' seedling) Medium, (12" x 24" or larger)
Bluestar Blue Ice
Amsonia 'Blue Ice'
Bluestar Blue Ice
Gorgeous, plump, navy-blue buds open to vivid, periwinkle blue, star shaped flowers in late spring. Flowers are borne in clusters at the end of each stem. Bright green, compact, clumping foliage forms the perfect background for the delightful blossoms and then turns a rich shade of yellow in fall.
Bold One
Hemerocallis 'Bold One'
Bold One
Gold with dark wine purple halo and yellow throat. Semi-evergreen. Diploid.
Bombay Series Fan Flower
Bombay Series Fan Flower
Fan shaped flowers bloom all season. This new series offers a trailing habit. Large colorful flowers in pink or blue. Very heat and drought tolerant. A wonderful plant in hanging baskets, container gardens, and landscape.
Bonfire Begonia
Begonia Bonfire
Bonfire Begonia
BONFIRE has an eye-catching profusion of exotic bright red-orange flowers covering up to half of the plant. BONFIRE's interesting rich green foliage has serrated edges highlighted by a red margin, and a neat, bushy growth habit.
Quickly coming into bloom in late spring, it continues to shower you with bright red-orange blooms from spring all summer long, right up until late autumn. Low maintenance, easy-care, BONFIRE can be grown in full sun or partial shade and is not afraid of summer rains or dryer summer conditions. It is ideal where masses of color are required with little or no care.
Born to Run
Hemerocallis 'Born to Run'
Born to Run
An attention-grabbing daylily with rosy red flowers, pale pink watermarks, and a lime green center. Yellow, ruffled edges. Has been recognized as a highly performing plant.
Boulder Blue
Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue'
Boulder Blue
Regarded by some as the bluest blue fescue, this plant forms compact, cascading mounds of foot-tall, intensely blue, narrow leaves that are attractive in all seasons.
Blooms are generally secondary to the foliage, but this cultivar blooms more heavily than most, with spikelets in summer. This cultivar is long-lived and very hardy. Grow in groups in a border or rock garden, or as a groundcover.
Noteworthy Characteristics: Foliage is very blue. Drought and heat tolerant.
Care: Tolerant of drought, heat, and poor soil. Grow in dry, well-drained soil of poor to moderate fertility in full sun. Divide every few years.
Propagation: Divide in spring, or sow seed in a cold frame in spring, fall, or winter.
Problems: Ergot, powdery mildew, rust, smut, brown patch, leaf spot, net blotch, pink snow mold, anthracnose, eye spot, and summer blight can affect plants.
Boxwood Chicagoland Green
Buxus x 'Glencoe'
Boxwood Chicagoland Green
Dense, broad-oval habit. The medium green foliage takes on a slight bronze shade in winter.
Boxwood Mont Bruno
Buxus sempervirens 'Mont Bruno'
Boxwood Mont Bruno
Buxus sempervirens ‘Mont Burno’ is an extra-hardy, globe-shaped form that was found by Andre Poliquin in Quebec, Canada. Its tiny, dark green leaves provide a smaller texture and scale than other selections of boxwood and its hardy nature makes it useful in colder regions.
Garden Size: 3’H x 3’W. Grows 2-4″/year. Globe Shaped. Zone 4. Green. A great companion plant. Plant in sun to partial shade.
Brass Ring
Hosta 'Brass Ring'
Brass Ring
Broad, rounded, corrugated leaves with yellow margins and green centers. Blooms light lavender flowers in mid summer.
Brentwood Blues
Hosta 'Brentwood Blues'
Brentwood Blues
This little hosta is a wonderful sport of 'Rhythm and Blues' from Steve Watson of Brentwood, Tennessee.
It has bright white margins on blue-green leaves with well-proportioned flowers.
It has a great combination of colors.
Bressingham Blue
Hosta 'Bressingham Blue'
Bressingham Blue
Hosta Lilies, otherwise known as "Plantain Lilies" or "Heart Lilies", are favorites of gardeners who want to add bright, sparkling color and interest from early spring to late fall. Bressingham Blue is a unique, colorful variety that bears large, heart-shaped leaves in shades of vivid blue-green. Tall 28" scapes of cool, white blooms lend an interesting contrast to the dark foliage in mid to late summer. Flowers last until early fall and add charm and beauty to shady corners of the landscape.
Bridal Falls
Hosta 'Bridal Falls'
Bridal Falls
This large hosta forms an attractively rounded mound of cascading green leaves with pale yellow to creamy white margins. The heart-shaped leaves are edged in pretty pie crust waves and have deeply impressed veins. The more mature this hosta is, the better it looks.
Light lavender flowers appear in midsummer.
Bridal Veil
Hosta 'Bridal Veil'
Bridal Veil
Hosta 'Bridal Veil' is a stunning plant that looks like an elegant mop. The greenleaves are long, cascading down with a slightly wavy white edge.
Bright Sunset
Hemerocallis 'Bright Sunset'
Bright Sunset
6", highly fragrant flowers the color of a tropical sunset: burnt coppery-orange self with a golden orange band and small, deep green throat. Petals have a prominent gold midribs and tightly ruffled edges; sepals have smooth, gold edges.
Brim Cup
Hosta 'Brim Cup'
Brim Cup
Heavy corrugated, cupped, heart-shaped, medium green leaves with wide, white irregular margins. Light blue changing to white flowers.
Broad Band
Hosta 'Broad Band'
Broad Band
Rounded, dark green leaves with a gold margin that fades to a creamy white. Blooms near white flowers in mid to late summer.