Pull of the Moon
Hosta 'Pull of the Moon'
Pull of the Moon
Just as the moon pulls the oceans into gentle, returning tides, this hosta might just be tugging your heart to add a splash of color to your collection. A large yellow centered sport of 'Tidewater', this hosta features attractive, wax-heavy blue margins and numerous vein pairs. The yellow leaf center becomes more pronounced as the season goes on to remind you of moonlight dancing on ocean waves. (M. Zilis, Solberg 2020) (Sport of 'Tidewater') Large, (16" x 36"). Medium lavender flowers in late summer.
Pure Heart
Hosta 'Pure Heart'
Pure Heart
'Pure Heart' is cute variegated sport that displays the reverse variegation pattern of 'Mighty Mouse', bearing rounded leaves with blue green margins and a creamy yellow to creamy white center. Like its parent, the leaves are of heavy substance. This miniature hosta has lavender flowers that are produced on perfectly proportional scapes.
Purple De Oro
Hemerocallis 'Purple D' Ore'
Purple De Oro
Also known as 'Razzmatazz'
2½", medium purple flowers and a bright yellow throat
Petals have narrow pie crust edges, dark purple veining, and paler purple midribs; smooth-edged sepals have white tips
A miniature daylily with a compact growth habit; the perfect size for containers
Purple Fountain Grass
Pennisetum alopecuroides setaceum 'Rubrum'
Purple Fountain Grass
This beautiful annual grass is probably the most popular and widely used seasonal grass. It is commonly used in beds and containers. Feathery plumes appear above the deep purple foliage from mid summer to the first frost.
Purrsian Blue Catmint
Nepeta catmnint 'Purrsian Blue'
Purrsian Blue Catmint
Purrsian Blue has showy bright lavender blue flowers that cover the mounded fragrant foliage from early to late summer. Compact and tidy in habit with dense branches that won't flop open like other catmint. Easily maintained.
Queen of the Prairie
Filipendula rubra
Queen of the Prairie
A very tall, upright, clump-forming perennial that typically grows 6-8' tall and features Astilbe-like, 6-9" wide panicles of tiny, fragrant, pale pink flowers in early to mid summer. Deeply cut bright green leaves are fragrant. A good foliage plant that is valued for both its leaves and its flowers.
Queen of the Seas
Hosta 'Queen of the Seas'
Queen of the Seas
Thick, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves have a very wavy pie crust edge. Blooms near white flowers in early to midsummer.
Rachel Peony
Paeonia 'Rachel'
Rachel Peony
Paeonia 'Rachel' shows off huge double flowers that look like glowing, hot red pom-poms in the garden. 'Rachel' perfumes the air with her sweet fragrance in early summer.
Racy Red Hot Heuchera
Heuchera 'Racy Red Hot'
Racy Red Hot Heuchera
Heuchera Racy Red Hot is an HGTV exclusive perennial. Racy Red Hot turns bright red in the spring and fall. Darkens to a dark brown-red during the summer. Foliage is reddish purple. Mounding shape form.
Radiant Red Eyes
Daylily 'Radiant Red Eyes'
Radiant Red Eyes
RADIANT RED EYES – Pierce G. 3193-a (Raspberry Mountain x Tet Waxen Splendor) x (Crimson Bullseye x Tet Rose F. Kennedy) SEV, EM, 42” high, 7” flower, 12 way branching, 60-80 buds.
Strawberry pink white base, HEAVY diamond dusted red eye, deep green glowing throat, red picotee, fragrant.
Photo and description credit to Floyd Cove Nursery.
Rainbow Pillar Serviceberry
Amelanchier Canadensis 'Glennform'
Rainbow Pillar Serviceberry
An exceptional new introduction with a narrowly upright habit of growth, ideal for the home landscape where a vertical accent plant is called for; showy white flowers in spring followed by edible berries, brilliant fall color.
Rainbow’s End
Hosta 'Rainbow's End'
Rainbow’s End
2021 Hosta of the Year! Small hosta with bright gold centers and dark green borders. Dark lavender flowers in mid summer. Sport of 'Obsession'.
Rainforest Sunrise
Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise'
Rainforest Sunrise
Our 'Rainforest Sunrise' Hosta has light green leaves in Spring that quickly gain bright gold centers with dark green margins. Upright growth habit.
The thick slug resistant leaves are heavily corrugated and deeply cupped.
We have a clump of this beautiful hosta in our garden that customers always gawk at. Our clump measured 14" tall after 4 years but is listed as 10" tall by the registrar.
Light lavender flowers mid summer.
Hosta 'Rascal'
'Rascal' is a semi-upright hosta with chartreuse leaves containing a thin green layered edge. This hosta becomes a bright yellow in the center. Many dense, light pale flowers bloom tall in mid summer. This hosta is also sun tolerant and will have a brighter yellow center with sun. 'Rascal' performs its best colors when planted in a fair amount of sun.
Raspberry Bomb Echinacea
Echinacea 'Raspberry Bomb'
Raspberry Bomb Echinacea
This exclusive HGTV Echinacea is very easy to grow. Raspberry Bomb will continue to bloom without any dead heading needed. Bright pink and lavender flowers bloom on shades of green foliage.
Raspberry Bristol Black
Rubus 'Bristol'
Raspberry Bristol Black
Fruit is black and large with attractive, fairly glossy skin. Flesh is firm. Berries have excellent quality, good flavor and ripen in mid-season. Good for canning and freezing. Canes hardy and vigorous.
Raspberry Cumberland
Rubus 'Cumberland'
Raspberry Cumberland
Summer bearing. Large, firm, round, juicy, black berries harvested mid-season; mid-July through September. Considered the sweetest and most delicious of all raspberry cultivars. Sweet, rich taste excellent for freezing, canning, jam, jelly, sauce, syrup, preserves and baking. Is not seedy. Vigorous, strong, upright, heavy rooted canes. Good yield in any soil. Grows well in shade. A popular black raspberry, self-pollinating.
Raspberry Eclipse
Daylily 'Raspberry Eclipse'
Raspberry Eclipse
After 14 years of building up stock, Walter's Gardens is finally pleased to offer us 'Raspberry Eclipse', the newest daylily introduction from Chris Meyer, the hybridizer of 'Going Bananas'. 'Raspberry Eclipse' features 5½" extremely showy, beautiful raspberry/purple flowers, with a lavender purple band. Heavily ruffled, frilly edges highlight the lemon yellow picotee edge.
Height: 30". Spread: 18". Flower: Purple shades. Rebloomer.
Raspberry Heritage
Rubus 'Heritage'
Raspberry Heritage
Everbearing The medium sized red fruit has very good flavor and quality. First crop mid-July, second crop September 1.
Raspberry Suede
Hemerocallis 'Raspberry Suede'
Raspberry Suede
Impressive rich raspberry red flowers, super saturated like raspberry syrup, are quite sunfast for such a dark color. Aptly named, they have an unusually smooth, velvety texture like suede. Well budded scapes top the large clump.
Raspberry Sundae Peony
Paeonia 'Raspberry Sundae'
Raspberry Sundae Peony
Large, double blooms range in color from blush to cream with splashes of raspberry-pink at the edge of the petals. Blooms appear early to midseason and have a mild, sweet fragrance.
Raven Grass
Erianthus ravennae
Raven Grass
Has an upright to open habit with large, white plumed flowers. Flowers appear in fall from late September to late October. Because of its large size it is very effective as a specimen plant or screen. It forms large clumps up to about five feet in diameter. It is often used as a substitute for pampas grass in northern growing areas. The stems are weaker than pampas grass and have a tendency to break in high winds. It performs best in as sunny site in moist, well-drained soils. Wet sites shorten its life considerably and leads to extensive winter injury.
Hosta 'Razzmatazz'
Hosta 'Razzmatazz' has long green leaves and rippled white margins that seem to dance in the breeze. The veins of the leaf stand out nicely and the tips of the leaf curl downward. Fairly rare hosta not found easily. Pale lavender flowers in mid to late summer. Medium sized hosta. Ripple Margin Hosta.
Color: Green and White
Size: 17 inches tall by 36 inches wide
Red Baron Japanese Blood Grass
Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron'
Red Baron Japanese Blood Grass
An unusual and dramatic grass, slowly forming a low clump. Leaves are green at the base, with red tips that become more intense over the summer and fall until they appear to glow. Effective as an edging, in the rock garden, and especially when mass planted. Although this prefers moist soil, plants require good drainage, especially in winter. Remove any all-green shoots if they appear. Clumps may be easily divided in the spring. Seldom flowers.
Red Charm Peony
Paeonia 'Red Charm'
Red Charm Peony
America's favorite peony, with gigantic, ruffled wine red blooms and a spicy-sweet fragrance. Nicely textured foliage emerges reliably each spring, and with a hot-house-grown sumptuousness, the flowers last for weeks in garden or vase. Unquestionably popular for its huge size, saturated color, and superb performance.
Huge, rich red flowers are made up of a single row of outer petals that surrounds an explosion of smaller, and heavily ruffled petals which keep expanding as the flower opens. An APS Gold Medal winner. Early bloomer.
Red Feather
Trifolium rubens 'Red Feather'
Red Feather
The most ornamental of all clovers and definitely worthy of a place in the garden. Huge, deep red flower heads are silver when in bud and are borne on long stems. Silvery, hairy leaves too. Fantastic for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
Red Hot Returns
Hemerocallis 'Red Hot Returns'
Red Hot Returns
Red Hot Returns has a bright, cherry red, ruffled blossom with brightly contrasting yellow and apple green center. Produces several flower scapes per fan. Begins blooming in eary midseason and repeats blooming all the way into fall. Extended bloomer, flower remains open for at least 16 hours. Semi-evergreen diploid. Exceptional bloom performance.
Red October
Hosta 'Red October'
Red October
Red October is perhaps best noted for its showy red leaf petioles.
Red Peony Tree
Paeonia suffruticosa 'Taiyo'
Red Peony Tree
Taiyo has very large semi-double flowers with bright, royal ruby-red petals that are often curled. The vigorous and good sized plants also have divided and lobed leaves. Early bloom time.
Red Racer
Helleborus 'Red Racer'
Red Racer
Perhaps the most striking color of all the WINTER THRILLERS™ helleborus, 'Red Racer' produces very large three and a half, dramatic velvety deep red to burgundy red flowers. Such an unusual color to see in the garden in early to mid-spring! The perfectly rounded flowers are held atop strong stems, with mature plants producing an incredible seventy-five or more blooms per plant.
Red Razzmatazz
Hemerocallis 'Red Razzmatazz'
Red Razzmatazz
This is a perfect daylily to plant in large groups to create a beautiful swathe of red color in the landscape. It has some of the best foliage of any red daylily variety, creating big, strong, vigorous plants with well branched and heavily budded scapes. The flowers are clear fire engine red with a yellow throat and pie crust ruffled tepals. The color is very sunfast for a red daylily. Rebloomer!
Red Rooster Grass
Carex buchananii (Leatherleaf Sedge)
Red Rooster Grass
A native to New Zealand, Carex buchananii 'Red Rooster'+ is an evergreen perennial grass in the ColorGrass Program that has a dense clumping growth habit. The foliage is an orange-brown to a copper- bronze color, giving this grass a dried look when it is actually actively growing. The form of Leatherleaf Sedge is upright and slightly arching, due to the leaves curling at the tips. This grass is non-invasive, low maintenance, and is attractive year round. Great in the landscape, rock gardens, near water gardens, and container gardens. Works particularly well in fall themes. Carex buchananii 'Red Rooster'+ can reach 12-30" tall with a 36" spread. Does best in a moist well-drained soil.
Red Silver Miscanthus, Japanese Silver Grass, Red Silver Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotsilber'
Red Silver Miscanthus, Japanese Silver Grass, Red Silver Maiden Grass
Red Switch Grass, Prairie Winds Cheyenne Sky, Cheyenne sky
Panicum virgatum 'Cheyenne Sky'
Red Switch Grass, Prairie Winds Cheyenne Sky, Cheyenne sky
'Cheyenne Sky' forms a tight, vase-shaped clump of blue-green foliage that begins turning wine red in early summer. By late summer, nearly the entire clump is drenched in color and is topped by matching wine-red flower panicles held just above the foliage. It makes a dynamite specimen plant and is even more eye-catching when planted en masse.
Red Top
Hemerocallis 'Red Top'
Red Top
Red petals with yellow star shaped throat. 32" tall, late-season. Diploid.
Redbud MN Strain
Cercis canadensis 'Redbud'
Redbud MN Strain
This handsome tree bears small pink flowers in spring before leaves appear. Later brown fruit pods form. This strain is grown from seed collected at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. It does well in sun and part shade. Selected for hardiness by the University of Minnesota and introduced in 1992. Height: 20-30'. Spread: 20-25'. Shape: Vase-shaped. Exposure: Full Sun. Foliage: Deep green. Fall Foliage: Brilliant yellow. Zone: 4-9.
Regal Petticoat Maple
Regal Petticoat Maple
Foliage: Dark green on top with burgundy underside
Fall Foliage: Yellow on top with pink-magenta underside
Flower: N/A
Height & Spread: 40ft. by 30ft.
Shape: Upright , spreading
Growth Rate: Medium
Light: Sun
Zone: 4
Beautiful foliage colors begin in spring with the new growth emerging burgundy-tinged olive green with vibrant red petioles. In the summer the top side is dark, glossy green with the underside turning burgundy. Fall colors change to yellow on top with pinks to salmon coloring underside. Resistant to "tar spot". Tolerates wind, urban pollution, high pH and salt spray. Used as a landscape tree in a park or lawn area. Seedless.