Hydrangea Pink Diamond Tree Form
Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond'
Hydrangea Pink Diamond Tree Form
Pink Diamond has incredibly large cream flowers that gradually turn to a rich shade of pink. Trained on a standard, this tree-form hydrangea is a beautiful focal point in any border.
Hydrangea Pinky Winky
Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPpinky'
Hydrangea Pinky Winky
A commanding presence in the summer and fall garden, Pinky Winky is a exceptional new cold-hardy Hydrangea. The 12- to 16-inch long flower heads emerge white, deepening to pink as they age, giving it a pink to white radiant effect from the bottom up!
Hydrangea Quick Fire (shrub or tree form)
Hydrangae Paniculata 'Quick Fire'
Hydrangea Quick Fire (shrub or tree form)
Quick Fire hydrangea is a breakthrough, in that it blooms months earlier that older varieties, extending the bloom time and beauty from early summer thru autumn.
Hydrangea Strawberry Sundae
Hydrangea paniculata 'Strawberry Sundae'
Hydrangea Strawberry Sundae
'Strawberry Sundae' flowers emerge creamy white in mid summer, change to pink and finally to strawberry red. The flowers will remind you of a refreshing strawberry sundae ice cream treat on a hot summer afternoon. With its compact habit this hydrangea can add color to a small space garden or container and the fantastic flower color lasts well into fall.
Hydrangea Sugar Puff
Hydrangea 'Sugar Puff'
Hydrangea Sugar Puff
Sugar Puff Hydrangea is a dwarf cultivar that typically grows in a rounded mound to only 2-3' tall and to 3-4' wide. It is particularly noted for its dwarf/compact shape, abundant star-shaped sterile flowers with elliptic sepals, dense nearly round flower panicles, and free blooming habit. It blooms earlier and longer than most other panicle hydrangeas. Flowers emerge white but slowly mature to a rosy pink. Strong stiff stems hold the flower panicles upright with no drooping. Flowers typically bloom from July through September.
Hydrangea Tickled Pink
Hydrangea 'Tickled Pink'
Hydrangea Tickled Pink
You'll be tickled pink by the extraordinary flowers on this hydrangea. Each bloom is completely covered by the sterile flower petals and each petal recurves giving the blossoms a full, frilly, lacy appearance. The blooms start out white before turning rosy pink.
Hydrangea Twist-n-Shout
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist-n-Shout'
Hydrangea Twist-n-Shout
Twist-n-Shout produces abundant lace cap type blooms on both old and new wood all summer long. Lacy deep-pink centers are surrounded by gorgeous blossoms of pink or periwinkle blue, depending on soil type.
Hydrangea Vanilla Strawberry
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renhy'
Hydrangea Vanilla Strawberry
A delicious new creation. The enormous flower panicles are a blend of vanilla and strawberry, held upright on red stems. They emerge creamy white in mid summer, change to pink and finally to strawberry red. New blooms gives the plant a multicolored effect in late summer and early fall. The red coloration persists for at least 3-4 weeks. The habit is upright becoming cascading later in the season. Comparable to 'Pinky Winky', however the habit is more upright and the red flower color persists longer. Excellent for fresh cut and dried flower arrangements. This is available as a tree and shrub form.
Hydrangea White Diamonds
Hydrangea paniculata 'HYPMAD l'
Hydrangea White Diamonds
White Diamonds is an exceptional compact hydrangea with glistening white, upright panicles that eventually fade to lovely parchment and pink colors for dried arrangements. Smaller and more manageable than most H. paniculata, White Diamonds boasts dark green leathery foliage that displays increased heat and drought tolerance. Use as an anchor in the mixed border, plant as a hedge or in a large grouping for a magnificent effect.
Hydrangea White Dome
Hydrangea arborescens 'Dardom'
Hydrangea White Dome
A beautiful Hydrangea with large, dome-shaped, white lacecap blooms that give it an old-fashioned look. The rich, dark green leaves set off the creamy white flowers, and the strong stems hold up the blooms nicely even after a heavy rain.
Hemerocallis 'Hyperion'
Hyperion is a diploid has 5" canary yellow blossoms in trumpet flower form. When viewed from the side, this daylily has the shape of a lily. It is treasured for having a sweet fragrance and tall flower scapes. Blooms in the midsummer with reblooms to follow.
Hyuga Urajiro
Hosta 'Hyuga Urajiro'
Hyuga Urajiro
This stunning selection of Hosta Kikutii features frosty blue spear-like leaves with yellow streaks. The undersides of the leaves have a metallic silver coloration. A nice smaller selection suitable for the front of the border. Near white flowers open on nearly horizontal stems in early summer.
Ice Age Trail
Hosta 'Ice Age Trail'
Ice Age Trail
Hosta 'Ice Age Trail' is medium. Heavily streaked, moderately corrugated foliage is misted and streaked light blue-green, gold and creamy white. Broadly ovate foliage with thick substance. Color changes to dark green and creamy white by mid-summer. Mound-like with slow growth rate. Near-white flowers on green and white streaked scapes. Perhaps the most stable of all streaked hostas. Very heavy textured, rugose, crinkled with cupped blue, heavy cream and white streak leaves.
Ice Follies
Hosta 'Ice Follies'
Ice Follies
Long, pointed, dark green leaves display wide, pure creamy white margins. Blooms light lavender flowers in mid summer.
Ice Palace
Hosta 'Ice Palace'
Ice Palace
Leaf Detail: Blue 13in long by 10in wide; blue-green; downwardly cupped; heavily corrugated; thick substance. Flowering: near white flowers mid-June into early July on 26in scapes. Comments: unruly, heavily corrugated, blue-green foliage in a large-sized mound; great substance; seedling of 'Buckeye Blue' from Dick and Jane Ward (2003 AHS registration).
Icy Halo
Hosta 'Icy Halo'
Icy Halo
Icy Halo is a huge hosta. Rich, green leaves and an almost pure white margin. Round green leaves are extra large. Lavender flowers during midsummer. Grows half shade/full shade. The height is 100 to 12 cm and has an average, medium growth rate.
Imperial Palace
Hosta 'Imperial Palace'
Imperial Palace
Imperial Palace Hosta - 26" high by 53" wide mound. Leaf 13" long by 8" wide, which the center changes from yellow to creamy white during the growing season. 2" wide, medium green margin, very pale lavender flowers produced from late June into mid-July on 24" scapes.
Hosta 'Independence'
This break through in leaf pattern has dark-green leaves surrounded by wide creamy-white margins which are unusually speckled with green. The speckled margins of Hosta 'Independence' are very intriguing and are sure to make anyone stop to take a closer look. Large, light-lavender flowers in mid summer.
Indian Grass, Yellow Indiangrass, Indiangrass, Indian Steel
Sorghastrum nutans
Indian Grass, Yellow Indiangrass, Indiangrass, Indian Steel
This Indian grass cultivar is a clump-forming perennial grass with an upright, open habit typically growing 3-5' tall but occasionally taller. Features slender blue-green leaf blades which turn yellow in fall and retain some gold color throughout the winter. Narrow, feathery panicles of tan-yellow flowers appear well above the foliage in late summer to early fall. Panicles turn bronze in fall and continue to provide interest into early winter.
Hosta 'Infatuation'
Said to resemble a flying bird. This is a very waxy blue hosta form with rich cranberry colored petioles. The leaves edges gently undulate, effortlessly gliding on a warm summer breeze.
Daylily 'Inkheart'
One look at this beautiful daylily and you'll see why it got its name. Each creamy yellow flowers has a crisp, dark purple eye (or "heart") with a matching picotee edge. As an added bonus, this is a rebloomer, so you can enjoy these flowers well into late summer.
Height: 28". Spread: 24". Flower: Yellow and Purple shades. Rebloomer.
Hosta 'Inniswood'
This great Hosta packs a double punch - it combines wonderful leaf variegation with very heavy corrugation. As it matures the leaves get even more texture - so distinctive that it almost does not look like a Hosta. Inniswood has bright golden yellow, heart shaped leaves bordered by bright green margins. Plants are very resistant to slugs. Inniswood will provide stronger colors if grown in an area that receives morning sun or filtered shade through out the day.
Inspecteur Lavergne Peony
Paeonia lactiflora 'Inspecteur Lavergne'
Inspecteur Lavergne Peony
Hosta 'Invincible'
The very thick but glossy, green foliage makes a unique wide clump so exquisite it almost looks edible. The clump is topped with thick flower stalks ending in equally exquisite, very fragrant, light lavender flowers.
Hemerocallis 'Inwood'
6.5", fragrant, very pale peachy yellow (almost cream) flowers with a sharply contrasting plum purple eye and matching picotee edge on the petals. The yellow green throat is surrounded by the broad, rounded petals with tightly compressed pie crust edges. Heavily budded scapes. Blooms in midsummer and then reblooms again later in the summer.
Iris – water iris varigated
Iris laevigata 'Variegata'
Iris – water iris varigated
This stunning water iris boasts wide cream and white striped leaves that hold their color all year.
Iris Bearded Variegata Tall
Iris pallida 'Variegata' ('Zebra')
Iris Bearded Variegata Tall
Striking golden variegated foliage with green and creamy yellow stripes. Classic lavender-blue flowers in late spring.
Iris Dwarf Bearded Yellow Miniature
Iris danfordiae
Iris Dwarf Bearded Yellow Miniature
The Dwarf Iris is a cheerful yellow and adds bright early perennial color for any wildflower or rock garden. They are a delight to see with their sunny cheer in very early spring, often even before the last snow has melted.
Iris Dwarf Blue
Iris prismatica
Iris Dwarf Blue
Elegant light blue violet self with white and yellow highlights. A rebloomer that is strong and hardy. Wonderful for cut flowers lasting a week or more.
Iris Dwarf Boo
Iris Dwarf 'Boo'
Iris Dwarf Boo
The 'Boo' Dwarf Bearded Iris blooms slightly earlier than the normal bearded iris and grows to a cute, petite size that is sure to surprise you! Its white falls are adorned by dark purple splashes.
Iris Dwarf Fireplace Embers
Iris Dwarf 'Fireplace Embers'
Iris Dwarf Fireplace Embers
Fireplace Embers Iris features showy yellow flag-like flowers with burgundy falls at the ends of the stems in mid spring. The flowers are excellent for cutting. It's sword-like leaves remain green in color throughout the season.
Iris Dwarf Smart Violet
Iris Dwarf 'Smart Violet'
Iris Dwarf Smart Violet
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris 'Smart' has rich violet petals with a dark purple-black center on the falls. It flowers in early spring and grows 13 to 15" high so makes a great border plant.
Iris Dwarf White Ivory
Iris Dwarf 'White Ivory'
Iris Dwarf White Ivory
Very small, extremely early flowering, fragrant iris that are perfect for forcing, rock gardens, woodlands, fronts of borders or creative 'lawn art'; performs well in all types of soil as long as it's well-drained; late winter to early spring; bulb size 6+cm unless noted otherwise.
Iris German Bearded Blue Breakers
Iris German Bearded 'Blue Breakers'
Iris German Bearded Blue Breakers
A classic blue iris in color, 'Breakers' boasts of ruffled, wavy edges. Blooms in late spring and early summer and in most climates it will rebloom again in fall.
Iris German Bearded Rare Treat
Iris German Bearded 'Rare Treat'
Iris German Bearded Rare Treat
Thinly edged in rippling, deep violet-blue, the ice-white blossoms of bearded iris 'Rare Treat' are a truly striking addition to the garden. This eye-catching beauty presents its unique blooms atop tall, graceful stems in mid-spring.
Iris German Bearded Avalon Sunset
Iris German Bearded 'Avalon Sunset'
Iris German Bearded Avalon Sunset
Iris 'Avalon Sunset' is a fragrant, vibrant orange tall bearded iris with bright tangerine beards and heavily ruffled, flaring falls on 36" stems.
Iris German Bearded Brown Cherokee Heritage
Iris x germanica 'Cherokee Heritage'
Iris German Bearded Brown Cherokee Heritage
A Bearded Iris with earthy brown and yellow standards and cinnamon-dotted brown and yellow falls.