Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet
Lonicera x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'
Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet
Extremely hardy, tall growing climber. Bright orange-scarlet tubular flowers.
Honeysuckle Hall's
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'
Honeysuckle Hall's
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant pale yellow flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long.
Hope Springs Eternal
Hosta 'Hope Springs Eternal'
Hope Springs Eternal
A great new hosta from Walters Gardens. "All gardening is an exercise in optimism, and 'Hope Springs Eternal' is appropriate name for a hosta that will bring joy year after year. Heart-shaped, blue horizontal leaves have a crisp creamy white margin and form a formal habit. Its most notable feature are the incredible ruffling on the leaves that undulate all the way to the pointed tips. Near white flowers in midsummer."
Ceratophyllum demersum
Found in ponds, marshes, and quiet streams. Used for their appearance and their high oxygen production.
Horsechestnut Briotii Red
Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii'
Horsechestnut Briotii Red
Broad, rounded dense shade tree. Dark, rosy-red 10 inch flower panicles bloom late spring to early summer.
Horsechestnut Double
Aesculus hippocastanum 'Baumannii'
Horsechestnut Double
Double white flowers with pink flecks. The fruitless panicles bloom later and are longer lasting than the species. Very attractive tree.
Equisetum hyemale 'Horsetail'
This slender bamboo like bog perennial has no leaves. Hollow stems have a rough surface and remain green all year.
Horstmann’s Silberlocke
Abies, Korea 'Horstmann's Silberlocke'
Horstmann’s Silberlocke
This colorful, hardy Korean Fir stands out with stunning two-toned needles. The needles of this pyramidal tree are recurved, displaying the silver-white undersides which provide a gleaming color and uncommonly beautiful textural effect.
Hosta 'Hovercraft'
Hosta 'Hovercraft' has nice round blue leaves are held stiff on long petioles. This form makes the leaves look like they are hovering above the ground. Leaves have some crinkling and waviness adding to the beauty of this hosta. Pale lavender flowers in summer.
Color: Blue
Size: 16 inches tall by 30 inches wide
Hudson Bay
Hosta 'Hudson Bay'
Hudson Bay
Leaves are a creamy white with wide blue-green margins. In early summer it blooms white flowers.
Humei Peony
Paeonia 'Humei'
Humei Peony
Late. Large, double, cherry-pink flowers. Makes an excellent landscape plant.
Hummelo Lamb’s Ear
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo'
Hummelo Lamb’s Ear
Large, rounded clumps of green, long and narrow, textured leaves. It is lovely even when it's not in bloom. In midsummer, sturdy spikes of lavender-rose flowers shoot up through the foliage, putting on quite a display.
Humpback Whale
Hosta 'Humpback Whale'
Humpback Whale
'Humpback Whale' forms a massive, dome-shaped mound of blue-green, corrugated, heart-shaped leaves. Its color is bluest in the springtime. Blue-green scapes carry near-white, bell-shaped flowers in early summer.
Hungry Eyes
Daylily 'Hungry Eyes'
Hungry Eyes
Walter's Gardens has been hungry for more daylilies from hybridizer Chris Meyer, and this year they are pleased to introduce 'Hungry Eyes'. This incredible daylily features 5" mauve rose flowers, with an orange tint and are beautifully contrasted with its wine red eye and matching picotee edge. Known for consistent rebloom in the fields, proven to be excellent for a daylily with this large of flowers.
Height: 22". Spread: 18". Flower: Peach shades. Rebloomer.
Huron Solstice
Panicum virgatum 'Huron Solstice'
Huron Solstice
Similar to the popular Panicum 'Prairie Fire' , this new selection has blue-green foliage that turns a deeper shade of wine-purple beginning in early summer. This grass is strictly upright from top to bottom, unlike 'Prairie Fire' whose leaves curl at the top. In late summer, deep purple panicles are produced.
Husker Red Beard Tongue
Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'
Husker Red Beard Tongue
Striking, maroon-red foliage with a dark green underlay distinguishes this Penstemon from other cultivars. White flowers tinged with pink are borne on strong, upright stems in early summer.
Hydrangae Little Quick Fire
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPLQF'
Hydrangae Little Quick Fire
Like Quick Fire®, it is early blooming, flowering about a month before other hydrangeas. White flowers transform to pink-red as summer progresses. This dwarf plant fits easily into any landscape, including container gardens. Add it to your existing hydrangea garden to extend the hydrangea season.
Height: 3-5'. Spread: 4-7'. Shape: Upright rounded. Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade. Foliage: Green. Fall Foliage: Insignificant. Zone: 3-8.
Hydrangae Summer Crush
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacfive'
Hydrangae Summer Crush
It’s not just about blue or pink anymore! The intense, deep coloration found in Summer Crush® is a true differentiator in the hydrangea marketplace. With a profusion of big raspberry red or neon purple blooms, Summer Crush® is a color breakthrough in reblooming garden hydrangeas and a welcome addition to the Endless Summer® brand. Introduced by Bailey Innovations, this new addition is the result of focused breeding and years of production and field testing. Proven to be Zone 4 cold hardy and the most wilt resistant Endless Summer® yet, this compact growing hydrangea with dark green glossy leaves fits smaller spaces in the garden and is the perfect size for patio containers. CPBRAF, ®CA
Height: 18-36". Spread: 18-36". Shape: Upright, rounded. Exposure: Part Shade. Foliage: Green. Fall Foliage: Insignificant. Zone: 4-9
Hydrangea Annabelle
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Hydrangea Annabelle
The Hydrangea Annabelle is a wonderful hydrangea that produces white flowers up to 12 inches across. The huge, white blooms appear in profusion every year without fail in early to late summer.
Hydrangea Bella Anna
Hydrangea 'Bella Anna'
Hydrangea Bella Anna
Bella Anna features large, peppy pink blooms. It is easy to grow, and easy to enjoy. Even harsh winter weather or severe pruning is not a problem for Bella Anna. This hardy, reliable hydrangea keeps blooming all from early summer through fall, with minimal care. Bella Anna originates from a hydrangea native to America, and this makes it a fine choice for attracting bees, butterflies, and birds to your natural setting. A vigorous grower that loves the shade, Bella Anna will transform dark garden recesses to vibrant focal points in your garden.
Hydrangea Berry White
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renba'
Hydrangea Berry White
This long-awaited introduction is a step forward in paniculata breeding. With strong, upright stems and large cone-shaped flower panicles that stay upright, this plant is a summer stunner. Like the other paniculatas from Mr. Renault at Pépinières Renault, the flower color starts out white in July then progresses to dark pink. Coloring occurs from the bottom and progresses to the top of the panicle. Berry White® blooms a little later than Strawberry Sundae® and about the same time as Vanilla Strawberry™. Color shades can vary according to location, climate and type of soil.
Hydrangea Berry White (tree form)
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renba'
Hydrangea Berry White (tree form)
Hydrangea BloomStruck
Hydrangea BloomStruck
Hydrangea BloomStruck
Bloomstruck is a reblooming flower and has perfectly rounded flowers averaging 3.5 - 5" across. The intense rose-pink, violet or blue flower heads are held upright on striking red-purple stems. Flowers are violet-blue to blue in acidic soil. Glossy dark green leaves with red petioles and red veins add to this plant's retail presence and make it stand out before flowers ever open.
Hydrangea Blushing Bride
Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Blushing Bride'
Hydrangea Blushing Bride
Endless Summer Blushing Bride produces pure white blooms of semi-double florets that gradually mature to a sweet, subtle blush of pink. While easy to grow and quite vigorous, it is important to care for your plant properly for best results.
Hydrangea Bobo
Hydrangea paniculata 'ILVOBO'
Hydrangea Bobo
Bobo is a delightful dwarf hydrangea that is engulfed by large white flowers in summer. The flowers are held upright on strong stems, and continue to grow and lengthen as they bloom.
Hydrangea Compact PeeGee
Hydrangea paniculata 'Compact'
Hydrangea Compact PeeGee
A rounded, compact form of PeeGee Hydrangea. Matures to about half the size of PeeGee, with smaller leaves and flowers. Bloom time, flower color, foliage, and fall color are all identical to PeeGee. The compact size makes it a great choice for the foundation or border where PeeGee is too large. Rarely to never fed on by Japanese beetles.
Hydrangea Diamond Rouge
Hydrangea 'Diamond Rouge'
Hydrangea Diamond Rouge
Without a doubt, Diamond Rouge® is the reddest H. paniculata on the market. This new variety has abundant, long lasting flowers on strong stems that start white and progress to pink, raspberry red and finally wine red. Flowers start blooming in July and take on red coloration earlier in the season than other pink paniculatas. Compared to Strawberry Sundae®, Diamond Rouge is slightly bigger and has distinct raspberry-red flowers that color earlier in the season. Bred by Jean Renault in France.
Height: 4-5', spread: 3-4', shape: compact & upright. Foliage: dark green summer, fall foliage: yellow/orange. Exposure: full sun to part shade. Zone: 3-8
Hydrangea Endless Summer Pop Star
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmacsix'
Hydrangea Endless Summer Pop Star
Hydrangea Endless Summer The Original
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer'
Hydrangea Endless Summer The Original
A hardy, mop-head type hydrangea with the unique ability to bloom consistently on both old and new wood. The result is a plant that provides beautiful flowers all summer long. The flowers grow up to 8" in diameter, with pink blooms in alkaline soils and blue blooms in acidic soil.
Hydrangea Fire Light
Hydrangea 'Fire Light'
Hydrangea Fire Light
Fire Light is the new standard to measure all hardy hydrangeas. Upright panicles are packed with florets which transform from pure white in summer to rich pomegranate-pink in late summer to fall. Its thick, sturdy stems hold up the beautiful flowers so they are prominently displayed in the garden. An exceptional landscape shrub for foundation planting, back of the border or cutting garden. Easy-to-grow.
Hydrangea Incrediball
Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo'
Hydrangea Incrediball
A superb improvement, with giant blooms that have roughly 4 times as many flowers as Annabelle. The show begins in midsummer with huge round blooms clustered atop sturdy branches that are surrounded by medium green oval leaves. Cut back in spring to promote flowering on summer wood. Fantastic as a specimen shrub or in a border.
Hydrangea Light-O-Day
Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer 'Light O Day'
Hydrangea Light-O-Day
A variegated lace cap mutation of the widely popular re-blooming hydrangea Endless Summer.
The inner blooms are either pink or blue, depending on the soil acidity. Surrounding the inner blooms are bright white flowers.
Hydrangea Limelight
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'
Hydrangea Limelight
Exquisite, bright, lime-green flowers, a beautiful color that adds a much needed brightness to the late summer landscape. In autumn the blooms display shades of pink, burgundy and green.
Hydrangea Limelight Tree
Hydrangea pan 'Limelight' Tree
Hydrangea Limelight Tree
Hydrangea 'Limelight' tree has bright, lime green flowers. In autumn, the blooms display shades of pink and burgundy and also green. Vigor and floriferous blooming. Flowers on new wood, pruned in winter or early spring.
Hydrangea Little Hottie
Hydrangea Panicle 'Little Hottie'
Hydrangea Little Hottie
An exciting alternative to Little Lime®, this Little Hottie™ has very full flower heads with florets that emerge green and turn sparkling white. This well-branched, compact paniculata is covered in large blooms from the bottom to the top of the plant and holds tight flower clusters out on strong stems. Bred in Georgia for heat tolerance, Little Hottie® performs equally well in Minnesota. Flowers don't get heat-stressed or brownout in excessive heat. With natural basal branching, this new introduction doesn't need much pruning in production or the landscape to grow into a well-shaped plant with strong stems. Fall color is soft pink.
Hydrangea Little Lime
Hydrangea paniculata 'Jane'
Hydrangea Little Lime
Little Lime Hydrangea offers soft green and soft pink blooms. Shades of Green foliage. Rounded and compact shaped form. 3-5' high and 3-4' spread.
Hydrangea PeeGee
Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'
Hydrangea PeeGee
PeeGee Hydrangea, trained to a single stem with a head, blooms in July and August with very showy, large conical white flowers which change to pink bronze towards autumn.
Hydrangea Phantom
Hydrangea 'Phantom'
Hydrangea Phantom
Phantom Hydrangea has huge white flower blooms. These flowers are pale green early in the summer and slowly turn white in July and August. By September, they will darken to pink before falling.
Hydrangea Pink Diamond
Hydrangea paniculata 'Pink Diamond'
Hydrangea Pink Diamond
Incredibly large inflorescences of Pink Diamond open in late summer a cream color, and then, gradually starting at the base of the panicle, turn a rich shade of pink.