False Indigo Blue
Baptisia australis
False Indigo Blue
Showy indigo-blue flowers are carried on spikes atop dense, bushy mounds of attractive soft blue-green foliage. Flowers are followed by black seed pods which remain attractive well into winter. Lovely cut flower.
False Indigo Carolina Moonlight
Baptisia 'Carolina Moonlight'
False Indigo Carolina Moonlight
Elegant spikes of creamy yellow blooms grace tidy blue green foliage in early summer. Long-blooming and tough, a dazzling addition to the native plant palette.
False Indigo Purple Smoke
Baptisia 'Purple Smoke'
False Indigo Purple Smoke
Strongly upright, charcoal grey stems support the grey-green foliage and smoky violet flower spikes. Blooms from mid to late spring.
False Sunflower Summer Nights
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Nights'
False Sunflower Summer Nights
Bright golden yellow, daisy-like flowers with a mahogany eye, atop dark purple-red stems add a cheery presence to your garden in midsummer. The mature flowers are all-yellow, contrasting nicely against the green foliage with a purple-red tinge.
False Sunflower Summer Sun
Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Sun'
False Sunflower Summer Sun
A beautiful, carefree perennial. 'Summer Sun' puts on a show of semi-double, 2-3 inch wide, bright gold flowers all summer long.
Fanfare New Guinea Impatiens
Impatiens 'Fanfare series'
Fanfare New Guinea Impatiens
Until now, many Impatiens flagged in midsummer, but the Fanfare+ varieties add exceptional heat tolerance to their list of virtues: free-flowering, vigorous, well-branched plants with a trailing habit, ideal for spilling out of baskets, window boxes, containers, and borders. The perfect choice for shady gardens. They combine well with other shade-lovers like hostas or ferns. Blooms in shades of fuchsia and orchid.
Hosta 'Fantabulous'
'Fantabulous' Hosta features wide bright white margins that surround the dark green center. With a 3' wide clump of pointed, deeply veined, dark green foliage surrounded by a dramatic, wide, creamy white border. Leaves are shiny and sparkle in the shade garden. The slightly rippled foliage is topped with lavender flowers in mid summer that are 2' scapes. This hosta will grab your attention in the garden!
Fantasy Island
Hosta 'Fantasy Island'
Fantasy Island
Dwarf. Wide, slightly rippled, green margin with a speckled center that changes from yellow to creamy white. Mature size: about 7 inches high and 12 inches wide, mound-like with fast growth rate.
Far East Maiden Grass
Miscanthus sinensis 'Ferner Osten'
Far East Maiden Grass
This grass is referred to as 'Far East Maiden Grass', or 'Ferner Osten'. Both are the same.
Tall erect green foliage with a silvery white midrib which turns copper red in autumn. Spectacular wine red plumes which darken to brown then fade to beige in the autumn.
Short, narrow, green leaves arch gracefully on upright stems, forming a tight clump
Leaf blades are not as dense along the main stems, as most other miscanthus cultivars
Foliage turns a golden-tan in the fall, remaining through the winter
Flower Type: feathery panicles
Flower Color: reddish-purple turning to silver-white
Bloom Time: September to October
Farewell Party
Farewell Party
Farewell Party
Plant Size: 21" high by 45" wide; semi-upright habit
Leaf Detail: Gold; 10" long by 7 1/2" wide; bright gold color; slightly wavy and corrugated.
Flowering:near-white flowers on 24-36" scapes from late June into late July.
Growing: medium growth rate.
A semi-upright mound of golden yellow foliage, much brighter gold than its pod parent, H. 'Gold Regal'; makes a brightly colored specimen plant.
Farnsworth Spider
Hemerocallis 'Farnsworth Spider'
Farnsworth Spider
Spider, Purple eye zone with gold flower, 30" tall, early-season bloom. Diploid.
Hosta 'Fashionista'
This hosta is a very unique one! It will grow up to fourteen inches high and thirty inches wide. The leaves are seven inches long and five inches wide with a one fourth wide white margin contrasting the gold to chartreuse center; red petioles. The pale purple flowers will open from midsummer into late summer on twenty-four inch crimson red scapes. The 'Fasionista' hosta is definitely a fancy hosta that will grow at a fast growth rate.
Fat Cat
Hosta 'Fat Cat'
Fat Cat
This large specimen selection has rounded and lightly corrugated leaves of yellow-gold. Near-white flowers appear in June. Given room this can grow to be fairly enormous. A 'Sagae' seedling.
Felix Crousse Peony
Paeonia lactiflora 'Felix Crousse'
Felix Crousse Peony
Carmine red blossoms with a silvery sheen are lavishly produced in early summer. This is a fragrant, double variety.
Felix Supreme Peony
Paeonia Felix Supreme
Felix Supreme Peony
Height: 3', Spread: 3', Sunlight: Full sun, Hardiness Zone: 2a
This variety remains among the most favorite peonies for its large double ruby red flowers; a vigorous peony with excellent foliage that's as lovely in a vase as it is in the garden
Felix Supreme Peony features bold lightly-scented ruby-red flowers at the ends of the stems from late spring to early summer. The flowers are excellent for cutting. It's compound leaves remain green in color throughout the season.
Fern Brilliance Autumn
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
Fern Brilliance Autumn
This selection is rapidly becoming one of the most popular garden ferns. Lustrous orange, newly emerging fronds seem to glow against the backdrop of the shiny, dark green, mature fronds. The sori, which are produced in fall, are bright red.
Fern Cinnamon
Osmunda cinnamomea
Fern Cinnamon
Cinnamon fern is a regal, upright, vase-shaped fern with lustrous green fronds. Showy, spore-bearing, stiff, fertile fronds appear in early spring and turn quickly bright cinnamon-brown, hence its common name.
Fern Ghost
Athyrium 'Ghost'
Fern Ghost
Frosted apple green fronds emit a ghostly white light in the shade. Dark purple stems hold the fronds rigidly upright. This selection is taller than many other Athyriums.
Fern Japanese Painted
Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum'
Fern Japanese Painted
One of the most colorful ferns for the garden, the Japanese Painted Fern has silvery-gray fronds which are dusty purple towards the center. They are set off by the purplish-red veins and stems. Low, mounding habit.
Fern Lady in Red
Athyrium felix-forma 'Lady in Red'
Fern Lady in Red
Dark green, lacy, upright fronds surround the burgundy red stems. New fronds arise gracefully from the crown all season long, keeping the plants looking fresh all season long.
Fern Maidenhair
Adiantum pedatum
Fern Maidenhair
A pretty and delicate fern. Wiry purple-brown petioles and feathery, circular fronds that grown outward in a flat, fan-like position.
Fern Ostrich
Matteuccia struthiopteris
Fern Ostrich
One of the largest and most popular ferns in cultivation today. The dark green, pinnate fronds are shaped like ostrich plumes, being much wider at the top and tapering down to a bare stipe.
Fernleaf Peony Double
Paeonia tenuifolia 'Rubra Flora Plena'
Fernleaf Peony Double
This classic peony is cherished for its delicate fern-like foliage that sets it apart from all other peonies. Blooms a week earlier than most other peonies. Double red flowers really stand out against the foliage.
Festiva Maxima Peony
Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima'
Festiva Maxima Peony
Very large, double white flowers with prominent crimson flakes on a few central petals. Blossoms appear on tall, strong stems early season. Excellent for cut flowers and garden decorations.
Festival Star Baby's Breath
Gypsophila baby's breath 'Festival Star'
Festival Star Baby's Breath
Festival Star offers clouds of small white flowers floating above densely branched plants from May through October. Compact form. Good used as a cut or dried flower.
Fiber Optic Grass
Isolepsis cernua
Fiber Optic Grass
Fine green foliage and tiny flowers that resemble fiber optic lights set at the end of slender stems. The leaves of this grass are almost hair-like and has white to near white flowers.
Field Marshall
Hemerocallis 'Field Marshall'
Field Marshall
Large 5", tomato red blossoms ( more of an orange red than a blue red if you are using this in a garden design) with bright lemon yellow watermark and vivid green throat are of heavy substance. They have pie crust ruffled, recurved, and diamond dusted tepals.
Fine Line Buckthorn
Rhamnus frangula 'Ron Williams'
Fine Line Buckthorn
Fine Line® combines the fern-like foliage of 'Asplenifolia' with the narrow upright habit of 'Columnaris'. May be used to create a narrow hedge or screen, or as an accent specimen or in a patio container. This non-invasive cultivar is a responsible replacement for the older weedy varieties. A university study showed a 3% germination rate, compared to the species which germinated at 98%. Developed by Ron Williams of Scenic View Nursery in Wisconsin.
Hosta 'Fingerprint'
A deep green line divides the leaf center and leaf margin, creating an interesting "watermark" effect. Foliage changes from greenish in the center with a gold edge to gold in the center with a light green margin.
Fir Balsam
Abies Balsamea
Fir Balsam
Balsam fir is used primarily for Christmas trees and pulpwood, although some lumber is produced from it in New England and the Lake States. The wood is light in weight, low in bending and compressive strength, moderately limber, soft, and low in resistance to shock. Balsam fir is a small to medium sized coniferous tree. Growth occurs in whorls of branches surrounding an upright leader or terminal, making a symmetrical tree with a broad base and narrow top.
Fir Golden Glow
Abies koreana 'Golden Glow'
Fir Golden Glow
Especially in winter, this striking Korean Fir lives up to its name. Many shoots loaded with short, wide needles; light yellow with white reverses; brighten the scene with both color and texture. The compact, mid-size selection from Holland develops an irregular, spreading shape, and in late winter, buds with a purple cast add decoration. Provide moist, well-drained soil and some protection from scorching sun in hot areas.
Fir Silberlocke
Abies koreana 'Silberlocke'
Fir Silberlocke
The needles of this small, pyramidal tree are recurved, displaying the silver-white undersides. This characteristic gives a gleaming color and uncommonly beautiful textural effect.
Fir Silver Star
Abies Koreana 'Silver Star'
Fir Silver Star
Abies koreana 'Silver Star' Dwarf Korean Fir with recurved needles showing the silver white undersides. Upright vase shape. Very colorful conifer. Mature height around 6'. Prefers organic rich well drained soil.
Fire and Ice
Hosta 'Fire and Ice'
Fire and Ice
A striking, reverse sport of the widely admired 'Patriot' (Hosta of the Year in 1997). The leaves of 'Fire and Ice' have a heavy substance and a slight twist that creates a sense of movement and draws your eye to their pure white centers and dark green edging. In midsummer, lavender flowers appear on 20in scapes. A midsize Hosta that's showy as a specimen or bedded out in groups.
Light shade with a couple of hours of morning sunlight is ideal for Hostas. They flourish in moisture retentive, humus-enriched soils.
Fire Island
Hosta 'Fire Island'
Fire Island
The brilliant yellow leaves of 'Fire Island' are accented by light red petioles with red coloration extending into the base of the leaves. Although the intensity of the foliage lessens into the summer, the intense spring effect more than earns its keep in the garden. Lavender blooms top the clump in summer.
Fire King
Hemerocallis 'Fire King'
Fire King
5.5", brilliant orange, heavily ruffled, recurved petals display a slightly darker red-orange halo.+ Golden yellow-orange throat and matching stamens.+ Flowers are held atop strong, straight, well-branched scapes.+ Lots of buds ensure many weeks of blooms.+ Blooms in midsummer.+
Firecracker Sedum
sedum sunsparkler 'Firecracker'
Firecracker Sedum
Firecracker has colorful, glossy burgundy-red foliage on a tidy compact habit. Foliage provides a nice background to the medium pink flowers that explode in August, remaining for nearly four weeks.
Firewitch Dianthus
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Feuerhexe''
Firewitch Dianthus
Fragrant, magenta pink blossoms are produced prolifically over low, silvery blue mats of evergreen foliage. Often reblooms in the fall.
Hosta 'Fireworks'
A dwarf, narrow-margined form of H. 'Loyalist' with foliage of heavy substance. Narrow, stiff, upright leaves have deep green margins and creamy white centers. Light lavender flowers appear on 12 inch scapes in midsummer.