Coneflower Bravado
Echinacea purpurea 'Bravado'
Coneflower Bravado
Glorious rosy-pink blooms bobbing atop hardy native plants that bloom freely over a very long season. A simple and beautiful plant for the garden 'Bravado' holds its extra-wide petals out flat, offering up even more color from late spring until the cold fall weather sets in.
Coneflower Doubledecker
Echinacea purpurea 'Doubledecker'
Coneflower Doubledecker
A two-tiered purple Coneflower! Resulting from years of selection is a reliable seed strain with two-tiered flowers. A set of shorter petals rests on top of the cone while a "skirt" of longer, deep rose-pink petals emerge from the base of the cone.
Coneflower Harvest Moon
Echinacea 'Harvest Moon'
Coneflower Harvest Moon
Aptly named, this selection sports earthy gold flowers the color of a harvest moon with a golden orange cone. The nice wide flower petals are slightly reflexed and overlap, giving the blossoms a full, substantial presence. Plant it up close where you can enjoy its delightful rose-like fragrance.
Coneflower Henry Eilers Sweet
Rudbeckia subtometosa 'Henry Eiler's'
Coneflower Henry Eilers Sweet
'Henry Eilers' has finely quilled flowers of true yellow, not gold, and is stunning in a mass planting. The leaves are sweetly scented with a subtle vanilla fragrance.
Coneflower Hot Papaya
Echinacea 'Hot Papaya'
Coneflower Hot Papaya
A breakthrough in Echinacea breeding, a first-ever double orange selection! Hot Papaya matures with rich, spicy orange ray petals that are topped by a double, reddish-orange pompom. Each pompom has a remarkable papaya colored halo in the center that grows as it ages.
Coneflower Hot Summer
Echinacea purpurea 'Hot Summer'
Coneflower Hot Summer
This plant is breathtaking! Glistening rayed petals open to a soft yellow or mango color before changing to a deep orange-red. A tall variety with strong clumps that look like fireworks with a continuous burst of new flowers. 'Hot Summer' will provide a dramatic array of colors and is deserving of a special place in the full sun border.
Coneflower Kim's Knee High
Echinacea purpurea 'Kim's Knee High'
Coneflower Kim's Knee High
A dwarf version of the well-known native purple coneflower. Large, daisy-like flowers with clear pink, recurved ray petals and large, bronzy-orange central cones appear atop knee-high plants with sturdy stems. Its small stature makes this cultivar a great choice for small gardens. It tends to grow slowly, so it will not overtake neighboring plants.
Coneflower Kim's Mophead
Echinacea 'Kim's Mophead'
Coneflower Kim's Mophead
A single, white-flowered selection with a greenish disc, and a sister to E. 'Kim's Knee High'. The "mop head" name refers to the petals that are fringey, and supposedly alludes to Kim's "turning-white" curly mop of locks.
Coneflower Mac 'n' Cheese
Echinacea purpurea 'Mac 'n' Cheese'
Coneflower Mac 'n' Cheese
You can never go wrong with 'Mac 'n Cheese'! It creates a brilliant splash of yellow in the perennial border or container. The multi-branched stems hold numerous, 4 inch flowers and never need staking. The highly fragrant blossoms are colorfast and will last 10-12 days in the vase. In the garden, they will attract butterflies like a magnet.
Coneflower Magnus
Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'
Coneflower Magnus
A classic purple Coneflower. Beautiful rose-pink ray petals with a coppery-brown, spiky central cone comprise the huge, flat flower heads of E. 'Magnus'. Newer blooms are more intense in color and fade to pale rose as they age, lending a bi-color effect to the entire clump of Echinacea.
Coneflower Mango Meadowbrite
Echinacea 'Mango Meadowbrite'
Coneflower Mango Meadowbrite
This hybrid coneflower offers large single blooms with neon mango-yellow petals surrounding a deep golden-orange cone. Flowers have a sweet honeysuckle fragrance, appearing from midsummer well into the autumn and attracting butterflies like a magnet. Flowers are held on branching stems above a low mound of narrow dark green leaves.
Coneflower Merlot
Echinacea purpurea 'Merlot'
Coneflower Merlot
A great new introduction that produces numerous, very large rose pink flowers with wonderful Merlot colored stems and petioles. In addition to the numerous flowers produced, this plant has really good branching and growth habit.
Coneflower Milkshake
Echinacea purpurea 'Milkshake'
Coneflower Milkshake
There are many new echinaceas to choose from but 'Milkshake' is really something special! It offers pom-pom flowers of creamy white that do not age. It starts blooming in June and still looks clean and fresh at the end of August. A fantastic cut flower that lasts for weeks in the vase.
Coneflower Orange Meadowbrite
Echinacea 'Orange Meadowbrite' (Art's Pride'
Coneflower Orange Meadowbrite
This hybrid offers a total color breakthrough in Coneflowers. Large single blooms of rich sunset orange appear from midsummer well into the autumn. The fragrant blooms are attractive to butterflies.
Coneflower Pink Poodle
Echinacea purpurea 'Pink Poodle'
Coneflower Pink Poodle
Turn your landscape into a show ground arena with this Grand Champion Echinacea 'Pink Poodle'. One of the most exciting new perennials seen in years! The massive, fluffy, dahlia-like blossoms are an absolutely true pink, and are held on exceedingly strong, pencil thick stems.
Coneflower Pixie Meadowbrite
Echinacea 'Pixie Meadowbrite'
Coneflower Pixie Meadowbrite
Beginning in midsummer, a profusion of vibrant pink flowers with an orange cone are produced atop compact, knee-high plants with narrow, green leaves.
This plant is the perfect size for growing in decorative containers, small courtyard gardens, or near the front of the flower border.
Coneflower Ruby Star
Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star'
Coneflower Ruby Star
Deep purple-pink blooms surround a brown-bronze cone. The large flat topped flowers are held in a refined, horizontal position atop this sturdy, tough native plant. Easy to grow, and attractive to birds and butterflies.
Coneflower Secret Lust
Echinacea 'Secret Lust'
Coneflower Secret Lust
Beautiful double form, with a red-orange cone and contrasting orange ray petals. Blooms for a long period in summer and attracts butterflies to the garden.
Coneflower Solar Flare
Echinacea Ruby Star 'Solar Flare'
Coneflower Solar Flare
These blooms earn their name with every neon-bright petal. Deep scarlet-red toward the base and magenta toward the tip, they are held straight out around a giant dark brown cone. Butterflies and bees rush to pay their respects, while pests and disease keep clear of this vigorous, low maintenance plant. Expect the blooms to begin in early summer in most climates and to continue well into fall!
Coneflower Sundown
Echinacea Big Sky Series 'Sundown'
Coneflower Sundown
A Coneflower that's not purple!!! This selection sports warm russet-orange flowers with a prominent, brownish central cone. Their nice wide petals are slightly reflexed and overlap, giving the blossoms a full, substantial presence. Plant this one up close where you can enjoy its delightful rose-like fragrance.
Coneflower Sunrise
Echinacea Big Sky Series 'Sunrise'
Coneflower Sunrise
A Coneflower that's not purple!!! This selection sports citron yellow flowers. Its central cone starts out green and then widens and turns gold as it ages.
Coneflower Tiki Torch
Echinacea purpurea 'Tiki Torch'
Coneflower Tiki Torch
Set your garden ablaze with this hot colored Coneflower! Echinacea 'Tiki Torch' boasts large, 4.5" pumpkin-orange flowers that are displayed on strong, well-branched stems. Blooms have a spicy scent.
Coneflower Tomato Soup
Echinacea purpurea 'Tomato Soup'
Coneflower Tomato Soup
Stunning warm, tomato-red flowers to 5" wide. A real treat to 3' tall and nearly as wide covered with flowers till frost. Plants are well branched and show excellent vigor.
Coneflower White Swan
Echinacea purpurea 'White Swan'
Coneflower White Swan
A classic white Coneflower. Pure white ray petals reflex downward, away from the coppery-brown, spiky central cone. Their sweet honey-like fragrance attracts masses of butterflies. 'White Swan' is a bit shorter in stature than many other Coneflowers.
Cookie Crumbs
Hosta 'Cookie Crumbs'
Cookie Crumbs
(Solberg, M. Zilis 2002) (Sport of 'Tiny Tears') Mini, (5" X 10") Finally a clean white-margined mini reminiscent of H. venusta. This very flat mound of green heart-shaped leaves has a surprisingly wide white margin. It has purple flowers in June.
Cool as a Cucumber
Hosta 'Cool as a Cucumber'
Cool as a Cucumber
This gorgeous large hosta forms an incredibly showy, cascading clump of green and white variegated foliage. Larger than its parent overall, its foliage is notably upright in youth, but quickly develops into a gracefully arching mound. The long, tapered, pointed leaves have bright green margins which jet towards the clear white center. The leaves are also of greater substance than its parent.
In early summer, creamy white scapes carry light lavender flowers.
Coral Bells Caramel
Heuchera 'Caramel'
Coral Bells Caramel
A robust grower with fuzzy, bright apricot leaves that fade to amber by summer, and purple-red undersides. Has a fabulous compact habit. Most seasons a creamy colored airy flower will appear in midsummer, but the foliage is stunning enough to over ride the interest in the bloom!
Coral Bells Georgia Peach
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
Coral Bells Georgia Peach
You'll be blown away by the spectacular glowing peach colored foliage of this new Heuchera! The very large leaves, which can measure up to 8" across, have rounded lobes and are dusted with a light silver overlay. In fall and winter, the foliage turns a warm rose-purple color. Dainty creamy white flowers are produced in early summer.
Coral Bells Harvest Burgundy
Heuchera 'Harvest Burgundy'
Coral Bells Harvest Burgundy
Dark, slightly marbled foliage. This series seems to hold up in the heat and maintain good color. Graceful, wide, arching sprays of airy flowers in early summer above mounds of neat evergreen foliage.
Coral Bells Harvest Lemon Chiffon
Heuchera 'Harvest Lemon Chiffon'
Coral Bells Harvest Lemon Chiffon
Graceful, wide, arching sprays of airy flowers in early summer above mounds of neat evergreen foliage. Makes an outstanding cut flower. Sturdy yellow to chartreuse leaves.
Coral Bells Harvest Silver
Heuchera 'Harvest Silver'
Coral Bells Harvest Silver
Extremely showy, scalloped semi-evergreen foliage and arching sprays of tiny, bell-shaped flowers. 'Harvest Silver' features fresh, silvery-green leaves with darker green veining. Its dainty, white blooms appear on airy panicles from late spring through early summer. They are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies, and also make great cut flowers.
Coral Bells Marvelous Marble
Heuchera 'Marvelous Marble'
Coral Bells Marvelous Marble
In spring, the new foliage emerges purple. Through the seasons, the foliage matures to deep green with prominent reddish purple veining and a light silver overlay. The flower stems are quite short, bearing creamy white flowers a bit earlier than is typical for Heucheras.
Coral Bells Melting Fire
Heuchera 'Melting Fire'
Coral Bells Melting Fire
This new variety of Heuchera is named for the bright red color of its new foliage in spring. The mature foliage is deep maroon with heavily ruffled edges. Dark red stems carry a profusion of white flowers in late spring and early summer.
Coral Bells Miracle
Heuchera 'Miracle'
Coral Bells Miracle
During the cooler weather of spring and fall, the foliage is a fantastic shade of brick red with bright chartreuse to gold edges and silvered undersides. During the warmer months of summer, the red pigments lighten and the leaves turn green.
Coral Bells Palace Purple
Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'
Coral Bells Palace Purple
This selection was the first of many purple-leaved Coral Bells, and is still an excellent choice. Plants form a low mound of maple-shaped leaves, from bronzy-green to rich purple-red. Spikes of small creamy-white flowers appear in early summer.
Coral Bells Plum Royale
Heuchera 'Plum Royale'
Coral Bells Plum Royale
Finally,a heuchera superior even to 'Plum Pudding'! Blueberry colored foliage has a waxy sheen with a metallic overlay. Each individual leaf is quite large, up to 3-4 in. across. White flowers on slender stems seem almost insignificant as compared to the dramatic foliage.
Coral Bells Silver Scrolls
Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls'
Coral Bells Silver Scrolls
In spring, the foliage is deep grape purple with a heavy steel-gray overlay and crisp veination. The underside of the plant are royal purple, revealed by the curling of the leaves. During the winter, the foliage turns to a rich violet hue.
Coral Bells Southern Comfort
Heuchera 'Southern Comfort'
Coral Bells Southern Comfort
Huge cinnamon-peach leaves and a lush habit. This plant makes a bold foliage statement. Creamy white flowers erupt in late summer. Foliage color changes from cinnamon peach to burnished copper to amber.
Coral Bells Stormy Seas
Heuchera sanguinea 'Stormy Seas'
Coral Bells Stormy Seas
'Stormy Seas' is a low-growing perennial with compact form. It has roundish, wavy leaves with scalloped edges. The magnificently ruffled, somewhat glossy leaves are maroon-purple when young, aging to bronze-green with bright purple undersides. Crimson to coral, bell-shaped flowers set atop wiry stems from June to July contrast well with the rounded foliage.