1st and Ten
Hosta '1st and Ten'
1st and Ten
Very Large, (32" X 50") This is a big hosta! It is almost 3 feet tall with very large shovel-like blue-green leaves with good substance. Part of Doug Beilstein's gridiron series, it is a seedling from his very popular 'Brutus'. Dramatic leaf veins and upright habit.
Abiqua Drinking Gourd
Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
Abiqua Drinking Gourd
H.'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' has round, cardboard-like, deeply-cupped, powder-blue leaves on a 2' wide clump. In early summer, the clumps are topped with white flowers.
Above and Beyond
'Above and Beyond'
Above and Beyond
This new large-flowered climber is a very different rose for colder climates. Above and Beyond combines extreme cane hardiness, reliable spring flowering and vigorous growth. Orange flower buds open in prolific clusters of five or more apricot colored semi-double to double flowers. Plants bloom in mid- to late-spring with sporadic repeat flowering in summer. With extreme cane hardiness, Above and Beyond can be a climber or a nice large free-standing shrub in colder regions where plant dieback from cold is not an issue. This cane hardy, large-flowered rose blooms reliably in spring making it a welcome addition in colder climates and is very resistant to fungal diseases.
Abraham Lincoln
Hosta 'Abraham Lincoln'
Abraham Lincoln
Hosta is 16" high by 36" wide. Semi-upright. Blue with 10 +" long by 7" wide thick heavily corrugated rich blue-green leaves. Flowers are pale purple which open on 27" scapes from late June into late July.
Admiral’s Blush
Daylily 'Admiral's Blush'
Admiral’s Blush
ADMIRAL’S BLUSH (Pierce G) 1352-K (English Lavender x Tetra Emerald Starburst) x Sonya Starchak EMre SEV emo 38” 6.75” flower, 8 way branching, 45-50 buds, fragrant.
If you want to smile – get ADMIRAL’S BLUSH. This absolutely gorgeous blue pink self with a Bulls Eye chartreuse throat and matching ruffled chartreuse yellow edging, will do just that.
Tetraploid. Rebloomer.
Credit to Floyd Cove Nursery for description and image.
Adorable Tiger
Hemerocallis 'Adorable Tiger'
Adorable Tiger
The "eyes" have it with this brilliant daylily! Golden orange flowers display a very prominent, sienna red eye that covers at least half of the petals and a matching red, extra wide picotee, ruffled edge. There is almost more red than orange in this daylily because of it's exceptionally large eye. The colors are clear and vibrant, making quite a statement, even from a distance. The thick, gold dusted petals glimmer in the summer sun.
Hosta 'Afterglow'
Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. All hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc.
Age of Gold
Hosta 'Age of Gold'
Age of Gold
From renowned Hosta breeder Hans Hansen comes a new large gold hosta. With golden yellow leaves, this is the perfect specimen for making a statement in the shade with its upright spreading habit and large smooth leaves. In midsummer, near white, tubular flowers appear with a very faint pale lavender central pattern on the interior petals. Plant in morning sun or filtered shade for best yellow color.
Aggressive Behavior
Hosta 'Aggressive Behavior'
Aggressive Behavior
Aggressive Behavior is a new introduction from Rod Kuenster. It makes a genuinely nice large clump that is a good grower. Broadly ovate leaves have a blue center with creamy to white edge with nice corrugation and slightly wavy leaves.
Ajuga Black Scallop
Ajuga 'Black Scallop'
Ajuga Black Scallop
This attractive small-scale groundcover has glossy, near black, scalloped leaves and a dense growing habit. The deepest foliage color is achieved when plants are in full sun and cooler temperatures. From mid to late spring, short spikes of deep blue flowers stand upright above the low, spreading foliage.
Ajuga Chocolate Chip
Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip'
Ajuga Chocolate Chip
Narrow, upright leaves are chocolate colored, making this groundcover a real eye pleaser! A true miniature! Blue flower spikes appear above the foliage in spring and early summer.
Ajuga Dixie Chip
Ajuga 'Dixie Chip'
Ajuga Dixie Chip
Unique, tri-colored foliage in shades of burgundy, green and cream. 3" tall violet-blue flower spikes bloom May-June creating added interest. Ajuga is a ground-hugging, creeping plant that is quite useful as a groundcover. It comes in a variety of foliage and bloom colors and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds!
Ajuga Purple Torch
Ajuga 'Purple Torch'
Ajuga Purple Torch
Tiny lavender-pink flowers appear in spring in torch-like flower spikes that rise from the rosette centers well above the foliage to 12" tall. Beautiful foliage in rich greens, burgundy or colorful variegations, makes this plant an excellent groundcover or edger.
Alabama Jubilee
Hemerocallis 'Alabama Jubilee'
Alabama Jubilee
Alabama Jubilee is a fiery red-orange flower with deeper red bands and a gold center.Pest resistant foliage looks great throughout the whole season. Petals are ruffled and fragrant. This daylily blooms in the midsummer.
All Gold Japanese Forest Grass
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'
All Gold Japanese Forest Grass
All That Jazz
Hosta 'All That Jazz'
All That Jazz
Hosta All That Jazz is a beautiful large variegated Hosta plant that forms a symmetrical mound of foliage. The green and gold variegated Hostas have become very commonplace in shade gardens but this lovely plant stands out among them.
All the Rage Easy Elegance
Rosa 'BAlrage'
All the Rage Easy Elegance
A multi-colored spectacle with tight, coral buds swirling open to apricot-colored blossoms with luminous yellow centers, blooming steadily all season so there will always be a range of colors to admire.
Clematis 'Allanah'
Allanah has large, brilliant velvety red flowers with anthers of deep burgundy. Lovely and mysterious in flower. Blooms from mid to late summer.
Vibrant 4" velvety wine-red flowers with dark anthers bloom June through September. Festive color sings as it scrambles up a trellis. Type 3.
Prune Group 3. Blooms on new growth, later in the season. Prune low above two sets of new leaf buds in March to contain height and avoid non-blooming lower branches.
Allegan Emperor
Hosta 'Allegan Emperor'
Allegan Emperor
The Allegan Emperor Hosta plant forms huge vase-shaped mounds that change colors from bluish green to a shiny dark green by July.
This hosta has a very thick substance with leaves a foot wide and long. Clusters of lavender flowers bloom in July on 48-inch scapes.
Allen C Haskell
Hosta 'Allen C Haskell'
Allen C Haskell
Large mound of heavily streaked foliage. Dark green eaves are streaked and mottled with yellow. As with most variegated hosta, divisions that emerge non-streaked need to be removed. Fertile lavender flowers in the summer.
Alligator Alley
Hosta 'Alligator Alley'
Alligator Alley
Aptly named, this medium to large sized hosta forms a coarsely textured mound of leathery, puckered, heart-shaped to round leaves of good substance.
It is a wide-margined sport of the long-popular 'Dick Ward', which is named for one of the most accomplished Hosta breeders in the United States. Its leaves display wide, blue-green margins with chartreuse centers that become yellow in summer.
Near-white flowers appear atop chartreuse scapes in early summer.
Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today's gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc.
Allium Pink Pom Pom
Allium 'Pink Pom Pom'
Allium Pink Pom Pom
Pink Pom Pom is an HGTV exclusive with grey foliage and pink flowers. Bloom time is around mid-summer to mid-fall. Height 12". Spread 12".
Allium Purple Lolly
Allium 'Purple Lolly'
Allium Purple Lolly
Purple Lolly is an HGTV exclusive with purple flowers and blue/grey foliage. Blooms later in the summer and heavier than many other Alliums.
Allysum Basket of Gold
Aurinia saxatilis
Allysum Basket of Gold
This special dwarf variety of Basket of Gold is tight, compact, and very attractive. Light to golden yellow dense flower clusters in spring. A wonderful, water-wise groundcover!
Alpinus Purple Erinus
Erinus alpinus
Alpinus Purple Erinus
This is a very cute and easy little alpine plant, ideal for shady parts of the rock garden. It forms a low cushion of evergreen leaves, bearing short stems of starry magenta-purple flowers in late spring and early summer. Though short-lived, this will self seed where happy, particularly into crevices and rock walls. Also nice in alpine troughs or gravel scree gardens. Protect from hot afternoon sun in warm-summer regions. In cool areas this will tolerate a fair bit of sun if the soil remains moist. Also known as Alpine Balsam.
Alvatine Taylor
Hosta 'Alvatine Taylor'
Alvatine Taylor
The cultivar 'Alvatine Taylor' have large, thick, oval blue green with regular deep yellow edges. Bell shaped flowers in lavender to nearly white bloom on straight 18 inch stems in the mid-season.
Always Afternoon
Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon'
Always Afternoon
Always Afternoon is a tetraploid with striking plum purple daylily and bursting blooms. Petals are crimped with thin pink edges. Blooms in the midsummer/early June. Also, this daylily has an extended rebloomer time. Evergreen foliage stays delightful all season long.
Hosta 'Ambrosia'
Large, (24" X 54") Ambrosia is simply divine. It is a blue-margined, light yellow-centered sport of my own 'Guacamole' that performs just as well in the garden, making a large clump that enjoys bright light. Like ambrosia it is fragrant and may also have the same mythological healing powers. This hosta is close to perfection.
American Bittersweet
Bittersweet 'American'
American Bittersweet
Bittersweet plants can kill trees and are difficult to eradicate from your landscape. But during the fall season bittersweet vines put on a display few other plants can rival, as the deep yellow skin of their berries bursts to reveal an orange jewel within. And not to be outdone by the berry, bittersweet plant's fall foliage blankets its victims in yellow splendor.
American Gothic
Hosta 'American Gothic'
American Gothic
12" long by 8" wide; blue-green in the center with a wide, gold to creamy white margin; moderately corrugated and thick-substance.
Pale lavender flowers open on three-foot scapes in July. Medium to fast growth rate.
American Halo
Hosta 'American Halo'
American Halo
Hosta 'American Halo' forms an impressive mound of corrugated foliage. A large clump of intense blue-green leaves with a very wide, slightly rippled cream margin. The margins start out creamy yellow and age to creamy white. Leaf color blue-green to dark green in the center with a 1 3/4″ wide margin that changes from light greenish yellow to creamy white; leaf blade broadly oblong-ovate, wavy, heavily corrugated and thick-substanced.
Leaf Size: 14" x 10"
Blooms: Near white in early summer.
Light: Moderate to full shade for best color. -- Soil: Rich, moist, well-drained.
Similar and Related Plants: Celestial, Northern Exposure, Northern Halo, Robert Frost
American Yeti
Hosta 'American Yeti'
American Yeti
Very Large: A giant of all giants! Giant blue-green leaves are nicely-puckered and crimped: veins are deeply impressed above: elevated below; nearly round apex of leaf has a short blunt tip. Foilage mound grew to 65″ wide x 44″ tall in 4-5 years, most likely will get larger in time. White flowers in mid-July stay below top of foliage mound. Very fertile.
Ames Kalm St. Johnswort
Hypericum kalmianum 'Ames'
Ames Kalm St. Johnswort
Being a hardy form of Hypericum, selected at Iowa State University. 'Ames' is a perfectly rounded shrub with masses of beautiful 1" golden yellow flowers that bloom in mid summer.
Hosta 'Amos'
Very Large hosta with green round leaves that measure 14” x 10” Near white flower in June. Extremely thick leaves that cup upward and downward with wrinkled appearance. A very rare find, and wanted by most hosta lovers.