Go Back Grape Marquette

Vitis 'Marquette'

Plant Type: Fruits

A red wine variety that combines cold hardiness and disease resistance with excellent wine quality. Open and orderly growth habit is highly desirable for efficient vineyard management. Typically produces two clusters per shoot, eliminating the need for cluster thinning. Has an attractive, deep red color, with desirable aromas of cherry, black pepper and spice. Harvests mid to late season. Self pollinating. Small medium sized, dark blue berries with a red interior.

Currently not available for online purchase.

Growing & Maintenance Tips:

Flower Color

Foliage Color

Plant Spread

10-20 ft.

Good Companions

Plant Height


Scape Height

Hardness Zone


Soil Moisture

well drained

Characteristics & Attributes


Bloom Time

Critter Resistance


Full Sun

Growth Rate


Seasonal Interests