Plant Type: Perennials
Dwarf Goat's Beard is a perky little plant that grows anywhere, stays tidy, provides three-season interest, and it is absolutely unappealing to slugs! An herbaceous perennial, it totally disappears during the winter. Its fernlike, green foliage, similar to that of the astilbe, emerges in the spring and is topped in May and early June by four-inch, waving panicles of tiny, cream-colored flowers. When grown in full sun, Dwarf Goat's Beard develops a fine fall color, turning a rich, burnished red as the season progresses. The entire plant seldom grows taller than 12 inches. Dwarf Goat's Beard can be placed at the very front of the border, where its finely cut foliage and appealing form can be seen close up. It is also very suitable for rock gardens and other special areas where plantings are all on a small scale. It will be happy in full sun or part shade, and its preference is for moist, shady places.
Currently not available for online purchase.
Growing & Maintenance Tips:
Best grown in moist, fertile, organically rich soils in full sun to part shade. Foliage decline can occur rapidly if soils are permitted to dry out. Prefers part shade, particularly in the southern part of its growing range. Removing faded flower stalks will not prolong bloom, but may improve plant appearance, particularly if a ground cover look is desired. On the other hand, flower stalks may be left in place to enjoy the continuing ornamental effect of the dried seed plumes. Generally does not perform well in the hot and humid conditions of the deep South (USDA Zones 8-10). Plants can be slow to establish
Flower Color
IvoryFoliage Color
GreenPlant Spread
12-15 in.Good Companions
Plant Height
12-18 in.Scape Height
Hardness Zone
3-9Soil Moisture
Medium to wetCharacteristics & Attributes
Cut flower, Rock garden, Shade or woodland garden, Border, Ground cover
Bloom Time
early to mid summerCritter Resistance