Go Back Rose Double Knockout (red blend)

Rosa 'RADtko'
Butterfly IconDeer Resistant IconRock Garden IconHummingbird IconRebloomer Icon

Plant Type: Roses

A Close relative of the famous Knock Out rose, it combines the disease resistant attributes that made Knock Out such a popular garden plant, with an abundance of double, cherry-red flowers. This rose is slightly smaller than Knock Out, making it perfect for the smaller gardens.

Double Knock out thrives in humid climates without spraying. Does not require dead-heading to continue blooming. Combines well in the landscape border with perennials and Clematis. Grows in full sun with adequate moisture during the dry part of the summer.

Currently not available for online purchase.

Growing & Maintenance Tips:

Flower Color

Double, cherry red flowers

Foliage Color

Glossy green.

Plant Spread

4 ft. wide and high

Good Companions

Other roses.

Plant Height


Scape Height


Hardness Zone


Soil Moisture

Well drained.

Characteristics & Attributes


Double Red blossoms.

Bloom Time

June - Frost.

Critter Resistance



Full sun.

Growth Rate

Moderate to Fast.

Seasonal Interests

June - Frost.