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Hosta 'Andrew'
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Plant Type: Hostas

Hosta Andrew is a wonderful large blue variegated Hosta plant. This plant does need a decent amount of space in order to grow to its full potential. This is a great plant for beginners as it is not a demanding plant. It requires basic Hosta care such as plenty of water and well drained fertile soil. This plant is slow growing and should not be used as a quick filler for the garden. Give it the time it needs to grow and it will be the showpiece of your shade garden.

Currently not available for online purchase.

Growing & Maintenance Tips:

Flower Color

Pale Lavender

Foliage Color

Blue-Green, cream yellow center

Plant Spread


Good Companions

Other hosta and shade loving plants

Plant Height


Scape Height


Hardness Zone


Soil Moisture

Moist, Rich, Organic

Characteristics & Attributes


Bloom Time

Early to mid summer

Critter Resistance

Resistance to slugs


Part to full shade

Growth Rate


Seasonal Interests
