Conifer Shrubs
Pine Algonquin Pillar
Pinus cembra 'Algonquin Pillar'
Pine Algonquin Pillar
This narrow, upright selection of Swiss Stone Pine has long, two-toned needles that twist and weave together to form lustrous branches. It is extremely hard and needs little pruning to maintain a large, but slender stature. As yet underused, it makes a vastly superior alternative for Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid', especially in suburban landscapes. With slower growth, it fits in may positions and stays in scale. Tress retain foliage to the base, unlike pines that lose needles on shaded lower branches. Upright narrow growth habit. Hardy to zone 3. Grows large. Color is bluish green.
Pine Angel Falls
Pinus strob
Pine Angel Falls
This slow-growing selection has very long, very narrow, light green needles and a strong weeping habit. Its closely held branches develop graceful draping forms that combine a tall, narrow stature with a broad, flowing skirt. Named for the world's tallest waterfall after 20 years of evaluation, the unique tree offers elegance and style.
Pine Austrian
Pinus nigra
Pine Austrian
Dense, stout, pyramidal growth habitwith a uniform crown. Branches are in regular whorls. Needles are stiff, dark green. Very hardy. Adaptable towinter cold and wind. It's a tree of strong character that will serve either as a landscape specimen or as a windbreakin cold regions.
Pine Eastern White
Pinus 'Eastern White'
Pine Eastern White
Eastern white pine, is the largest conifer, reaching 150 feet in height and up to 40 inches in diameter. In dense stands, trees produce tall, cylindrical stems with pyramidal shaped crowns, characterized by distinctive, plate like branching, especially noticeable as the trees become older. On young growth, the bark remains rather thin, smooth, and greenish-brown in color. On older trees the bark becomes dark grayish-brown in
color. Its evergreen needles are in clusters of 5, soft, flexible, 2 1/2 to 5 inches long, and bluish-green in appearance. Its cones are about 4 to 8 inches long and 1 inch thick. These remain attached for 1 to several months after ripening in the autumn of the second season.
Pine Eastern White Mini Twists
Pinus strobus 'Mini Twists'
Pine Eastern White Mini Twists
Mini Twists Eastern White Pine
A great fit for the smaller landscape, Pinus strobus ‘Mini Twists’ with its small twisted and curvy needles will create an unusual texture in the garden. A much smaller, dwarf version of the large growing ‘Contorta’, ‘Mini Twists’ responds well to annual candle pruning which will encourage an even more compact, full-foliaged small shrub or tree. Mature size: 6’H x 4’W
Dwarf: 3-6″ per year. Broad Upright. Zone 3. Bluish. Conifer. Full Sun.
Pine Golden Ghost Japanese Red
Pinus densiflora Golden Ghost
Pine Golden Ghost Japanese Red
This 'Golden Ghost' pine provides gardens with superior year-round beauty. Its many upright branches create a dense, structural form, like an egg on its end. The needles, which are shorter and darker green than those of the Tanyosho types, stand up well to both cold and drought. Attractive bark with age.
Pine Komet
Pinus, nigra 'Komet'
Pine Komet
Komet includes dark green and medium length needles on strictly upward growing branches. In the spring, tan candles emerge.
Pine Louie
Pinus strobus 'Louie'
Pine Louie
This exciting, new offering has long, thin, vibrant yellow needles that stay brightly colored year-round. Interior foliage that is shaded stays fresh green, so the yellow really stands out. Large, open, and upright, the symmetrical pyramid, best planted in full sun, seems to reflect the rays of the sun back into the garden.
Pine Mugo (On a Standard)
Pinus Mugo
Pine Mugo (On a Standard)
Generally planted as an ornamental, this evergreen has an interesting pyramidal or broad-spreading form. It has dark green needles. Grows to 20'. (zones 3-7)
Pine Mugo Valley Cushion
Pinus Mugo 'Valley Cushion'
Pine Mugo Valley Cushion
'Valley Cushion' offers a spreading habit and is very compact. The dense pine stays low and flat, much wider than tall. Reddish, new buds complement the short, medium green needles, and plants grow very slowly, so they require little or no pruning. Extremely hardy and an excellent choice.
Pine Slowmound Mugo
Pinus mugo 'Slowmound'
Pine Slowmound Mugo
A dense, mounded, compact shrub with emerald green foliage. Excellent for rock gardens.
Pine Winter Sun Mugo
Pinus mugo Wintersonne
Pine Winter Sun Mugo
Winter Sun Mugo Pine
With the cool temperatures of autumn, this extremely hardy, compact mugo pine becomes an electric yellow color that persists through the cold season. Great for containers, the rock garden – or any landscape space that needs a little spark of color during the dreary winter months. Pinus mugo ‘Wintersonne’ loves full sun, well-drained soil, and responds well to spring candle pruning if a more compact form is desired.
Mature Size: 6’H x 4’W. Dwarf: 3-6″ per year. Broad Upright. Zone 2. Color: Green/Yellow. Dwarf conifer. Full Sun
Silver Blue Serbian Spruce
Picea omorika 'Silberblue'
Silver Blue Serbian Spruce
Spruce Blue Globe
Picea pungens Globosa
Spruce Blue Globe
Globe-shaped evergreen shrub is dwarf, flat-topped and densely branched. Bright blue needles hold their color all year but are brighter in summer. A unique accent for that special spot.
Spruce Blue Sester Dwarf
Picea pungens glauca 'Sester Dwarf'
Spruce Blue Sester Dwarf
A densely branched spruce with a conical shape. Striking blue needles. Slow growing dwarf conifer.
Spruce Colorado Blue
Picea Pungens 'Colorado Blue Spruce'
Spruce Colorado Blue
Colorado Blue Spruce has silvery, blue-green coloring in a Christmas tree shape. This is an evergreen tree, keeping its foliage year-round. The Colorado Blue Spruce grows between 50-75 feet tall.
Spruce Dwarf Alberta
Picea glauca 'Conica'
Spruce Dwarf Alberta
Very slow growing, conical, miniature Spruce. Bright green new growth changing to blue-green. Useful in small gardens or for miniature accent points. Best in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade. Needs some winter protection in zone 4 in exposed areas. Very popular as a dwarf accent or small garden specimen.
Spruce Dwarf Norway
Picea abies 'Pumila'
Spruce Dwarf Norway
Unusually uniform branches, covered with short, dark-green needles, point up and out on this distinct, nest-style spruce. When young, it has a more rounded habit than the familiar, flatter types, but it eventually spreads out with age too. New growth appears later in the season than it does on other nest types.
Spruce Echiniformis
Picea glauca 'Echiniformis'
Spruce Echiniformis
Echiniformis is a green, dwarf spruce that holds a gumdrop shape when young, but will mature into a small tree with broad, conical form. Short, slender needles with tan buds arranged closely on light brown, curved shoots.
Spruce Elegans
Picea abies
Spruce Elegans
Elegans has densely arranged, slightly ascending branches of this dark green, flat-topped, dwarf nest spruce will add classy elegance to any garden. Plants break bud and develop bright green new growth earlier in spring than other nest types. Use the irregularly rounded, slow-growing, spreading plant as a low garden accent.
Spruce Gotelli White Weeping
Picea omorika 'Gotelli Weeping'
Spruce Gotelli White Weeping
This magnificent, formal tree adds height and drama to any garden. Its youthful, open form matures into a neat, narrow spire with gracefully pendant branches and strictly weeping branchlets. It shares the lovely two-tone appearance with the species, and it tolerates heat and humidity better than most. This tree's beauty and weeping character increase with time and maturity.
Spruce Little Gem (on standard)
Topiary Spruce 'Little Gem'
Spruce Little Gem (on standard)
An extremely small and compact tree; adaptable and hardy, very slow growing; excellent choice for small-scale topiary form in rock gardens or as a year-round garden detail element. Little Gem Spruce has green foliage which emerges lime green in spring. The needles remain green through the winter.
Spruce Montgomery
Picea pungens
Spruce Montgomery
This outstanding Montgomery is a slow-growing, dwarf spruce and is globe-shaped when young, but it will eventually form a leader as it matures and develop an upright, broad shape that is wider than tall.
Spruce Norway Pumila
Picea abies 'Pumila'
Spruce Norway Pumila
Pumila Spruce has unusually uniform branches, covered with short, dark-green needles, point up and out on this distinct, nest-style spruce. When young, it has a more rounded habit than the familiar, flatter types, but it eventually spreads out with age too. New growth appears later in the season than it does on other nest types.
Spruce Norway Pusch
Picea abies 'Pusch'
Spruce Norway Pusch
Named Collector's Conifer of the Year in 2008, this small, slow-growing Norway Spruce, produces loads of bright red cones on many short shoots in spring. The tiny cones brown as they age, but continue to decorate the irregular, dwarf variety year-round. Globose when young, the small spruce develops an upright broad shape with maturity. It is extremely hardy and grows well in full sun or part shade.
Spruce Norway Red Cone
Picea abies 'Acrocona'
Spruce Norway Red Cone
This delightful conifer develops remarkable, raspberry-red cones on the tips of its branches in spring. The unusual coning habit tends to modify growth rate and shape and to produce a broad, spreading pyramid, which becomes wider than tall with age.
Spruce Red Cone Norway
Picea abies 'Acrocona'
Spruce Red Cone Norway
Even when young this delightful conifer develops remarkable, raspberry red cones on the tips of its branches in spring. The unusual coning habit tends to modify growth rate and shape and to produce a broad, spreading pyramid, which becomes wider than tall with age.
Spruce Serbian Dwarf
Picea omorika 'Nana'
Spruce Serbian Dwarf
Dwarf Serbian Spruce
A beautiful, compact form of the Serbian Spruce, Picea omorika ‘Nana’ has dark green needles with white stomatal bands on the undersides, which give the plant a distinctive silvery aura. Its form is dense and globose when young, but it develops into a dramatic broad pyramid with age.
Mature size: 10’H x 8’W. Grows 6-8″ per year. Broad Upright. Zone 4. Bluish Green. Conifer. Full Sun
Spruce Serbian Silver Blue
Picea omorika 'Silberblue'
Spruce Serbian Silver Blue
Spruce Siberian Arctos
Picea obovata 'Arctos'
Spruce Siberian Arctos
Arctos Siberian Spruce
Picea obovata ‘Arctos’ is a befitting name of this Siberian spruce. Big bears and the trees both thrive in the extremely harsh environments of the northern reaches of the world. Having a very unique bluish green color, it is a pleasant sight in bleak, barren areas. Growing not too fast and not too slow, it has short needles, is tough, and durable. Makes a good cornerstone specimen or focal point.
Mature size: 20’H x 10’W. Grows 12-15″ per year. Broad Upright. Zone 2. Bluish Green. Conifer. Full Sun.
Iseli Introduction
Spruce White North Star
Picea glauca 'North Star'
Spruce White North Star
'North Star' is a sturdy and compact white spruce that produces a densely branched, classic pyramid figure covered with medium-green needles. Moderate growth rate with intermediate size.
Spruce White Yukon Blue
Picea glauca 'Yukon Blue'
Spruce White Yukon Blue
Yukon Blue White Spruce
At home in a sunny spot with moderately moist well-drained soil, Picea glauca ‘Yukon Blue’ will delight year-round with its short blue-gray needles contrasted against tawny stems. The short needles expose the abundant dark brown buds. Perfect for cold areas where a slow growing tree with a broad upright habit is needed. Mature size: 12’H x 8’W. Intermediate: 6-10″ per year. Broad Upright. Zone 3. Bluish Green. Conifer. Full Sun.
Weeping White Spruce
Picea glauca 'Pendula'
Weeping White Spruce
This outstanding weeping selection offers a formal, narrow, conical shape and pendulous, stiffly held, drooping branches and loads of light, gray-green foliage. An elegant and dramatic conifer.
Yew Spreading Dense
Taxus media 'Densiformis'
Yew Spreading Dense
Dark green foliage except during the spring flush when new growth is emerald green.
Yew Taunton Spreading
Taxus x media 'Tauntonii'
Yew Taunton Spreading
This spreading evergreen has short dark needles and is very hardy. Slow spreading, globe form. Taunton has excellent resistance to wind and winter burn. Needs little trimming. Grows well in both sun or shade and is very popular as an accent, specimen or foundation plant.